
Email is the primary means of communication between university staff, course coordinators, tutors, and students. It is therefore absolutely essential that you access your email account frequently and know how to manage it well.

Click on the sections below to find out how you can use the email facility.

How is email used at the HKMU?

How do I access my email account?

What are the key features of the email system?

How can I effectively manage my email account?

What happens if I am unable to access the Internet?

How do I access my email account?

You can access your HKMU O365 email account as follows:

  • HKMU homepage (https://www.hkmu.edu.hk) and then click on

    Current Students -> Undergraduates & Sub-degree/Taught

    Postgraduate/Research Postgraduate/Distance Learning -> Services and Support -> Email Services -> O365 Email

    Tutors/Instructors -> Communication & Support -> O365.

First Time User

  • Click “Activate or Reset Password” under “First time User or Reset Password”

  • Login by your HKMU student/tutor account and password
  • Click “Reset my HKMU O365 password”, initial password will be reset. (Please read the page information to know the HKMU O365 initial password format)

Logging in HKMU O365

  • Click the “Continue to HKMU O365 logon” button

  • Login using your HKMU O365 account name and password.

Duration of email account

Students taking distance learning courses and elearning courses: from the start of the semester until one month after the completion of your courses.

Full-time degree students: from the start of the semester until one month after the completion of your programmes.

LiPACE students: from the course confirmation date until one month after the completion of your course.

What are the key features of the email system?

This short multimedia presentation provides a brief introduction to the interface of the HKMU email system and describes key features and functions.

The following figure summarizes the key features of the HKMU email interface.

MOUSE OVER the highlighted parts to find out more about the items.

  1. Incoming emails

  2. Emails that have been sent

  3. Deleted emails

  4. Email drafts

  5. Message that has been read

  6. Unread message

  7. Attachment

  8. Click to display traditional Chinese interface

  9. Click to display simplified Chinese interface

  10. Click to write and send email

For more information, you can refer to the Guide which describes the Web Mail login page. The multimedia demo can also be accessed in the Guide.

Reading and replying to messages

To read a message, click on the sender hyperlink. The following screen will appear.

When you have finished reading the email message you can reply to it or forward it.

MOUSE OVER the highlighted parts to find out more about the items.

  1. Click to reply

  2. Click to forward

  3. Click the link to read the attachment

This multimedia demo shows you how to read, reply and forward email messages.

Sending a new message

To send a new email message, click on the Compose button at the top of the screen. The following screen will appear.

MOUSE OVER the highlighted parts to find out more about the items.

  1. Click to send your message (a copy will be placed in the Sent Messages folder)

  2. For distance learning/full-time courses, you need to select your course code.
    (Note: s0 and s1 stand for the April and October presentation, respectively.)

  3. Type in the recipient's email address or select a saved address from the Contact List

  4. To attach a file:
    1. Click Browse to locate the file you want to attach. Click on the file. Then click Open.
    2. The filename and the path will appear in the Attachment box.

  5. Type in your message. You can format the text using the formatting tools (as in word processing).

This short demo shows how to send new email messages.

Using email alert

This function alerts you in your personal email account (such as your work or private email address) of new email messages received in your university email account.

If you have given the university your personal email address, this function is automatically activated. If you do not wish to use this function, you can disable it. If you have not given the university your personal email address, you can activate the email alert function by clicking on the Options button. This demo shows you how to use the email alert function. You will see how to activate and disable this function.

Using the Contacts lists

In the Contacts List you will see three lists:

  • Personal Contacts List: you can add email addresses of your friends or fellow students to this list.
  • OUHK Contacts list: this contains the email addresses of your Course Coordinator(s) and tutor(s).
  • Deans/Director List.

This demo shows you how to use the Contacts lists.

How can I effectively manage my email account?

You can manage your email account easily and effectively by following a few simple procedures.

Setting up folders

Using folders to organize and store your messages helps you to easily store and locate messages. This multimedia demo shows you how to create folders for your messages.

Saving messages

The space in your email account is limited, so you need to save your messages on either your hard disk or download them to a PC email software, e.g. Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express. This multimedia demo shows you how to save email messages onto your hard disk.

Keeping your mailbox within the size limit

The mailbox space has recently been expanded to 200MB. Each email, including attachments, must not exceed 10MB. You must monitor your mailbox carefully to make sure it does not exceed 200MB. When your mailbox is full, the system will send you a warning email. If your mailbox remains full for a long period of time, emails that you received earlier (30 days ago or more, depending on system demands) may be deleted from the system. You can set an alert function that tells you when your email account is almost full. This demo shows you how to to activate the quota alert function.

Deleting messages

You need to regularly delete messages and empty your trash folder so that your mailbox does not exceed the size limit. This multimedia demo shows you how to delete messages.

Managing the trash folder

The following figure shows you how to put messages in the Trash folder and delete messages permanently.

MOUSE OVER the highlighted parts to find out more about the items.

  1. In the Trash folder, click here to delete all messages in the folder permanently.

  2. If you want to delete a single message permanently, click the check box beside the message. Then click Delete.

  3. To retrieve a message from the Trash folder, click the empty box beside the message. Then in the Move to drop-down list select the folder where you want to put the message.

What happens if I am unable to access the Internet?

If for some good reason you need printed copies of the communications that the university will send you through email, you may apply for special permission from the university to receive printed copies. To apply for special permission, write to the Student Records Office, Registry (The Open University of Hong Kong, Ho Man Tin, or fax it to 2761 3935). You will need to provide your name, student number, HKID number, the date up to which you will need printed copies, and your reason(s) for requesting printed copies. It will take at least five working days to process your application and begin the printed copy delivery service.