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Online Learning Environment

What is the OLE?

The Online Learning Environment (OLE) is a Web-based learning environment that helps support your learning.

You can enjoy the following benefits from using the OLE:

  • quick and easy online access to course news and course information
  • online communication with your fellow students, tutors and Course Coordinator
  • access to online version of your study units for some courses
  • planning and monitoring your study using the Course Calendar
  • online submission and return of assignments for some courses.

Hardware and operating system

Your computer will need to have the following operating system: PC — Windows XP, Vista, Windows 7; Mac — OS X 10.4 or later.

Your computer must be connected to a printer in order to print hard copies of any content. If you want to view multimedia components, you will need to have a headset of earphone or speaker and microphone.

Some courses may require computer and internet access at a more sophisticated level, including the ability to install some specific software. Students should check the computer requirements which are given in the course material package.

Software requirements

All OLE users will need to have the following software:

  • a Web browser: Internet Explorer 7.0 or above OR Firefox 3.6 or above. Lower versions of browsers may have trouble reading dynamic contents, which is required in the OLE. We strongly recommend that you use Internet Explorer or Firefox.
  • an OUHK dialer program if you wish to access the Internet using the OUHK dialer.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader 8.0 or above for access to course units and the Assignment File (if your online course includes these components). It is recommended that you upgrade to version 7.0 to improve the security of the Reader.
  • Flash Player 10.0 or above may be required for some interactive activities.

This website provides new students with the OUHK dialer and software programs required for the OLE. The software programs can be downloaded from the general software programs in the Software section.

Alternatively, you can download software from the OUHK website (http://www.ouhk.edu.hk). Under the Current Students ->‘Communication & Support’ tab, select ‘Internet Services’ -> ‘Software Downloads’. Then select the software that you wish to download.

Getting connected to the Internet

You then need to get connected to the Internet. You can do this either through your own ISP or by using OUHK wireless LAN. The university strongly recommends that you subscribe to your own ISP. You may now like to check the Getting Connected section.

Logging in

After you are connected to the Internet, you can enter the OLE through either one of the following URLs:

  1. http://ole.ouhk.edu.hk
    (You must be connected to the Internet to access the live links shown in blue.)
  2. the OUHK homepage http://www.ouhk.edu.hk. Go to 'Current Students'. Under 'Learning Resources' select Online Learning Environment. You can click OLE Courses.

  3. Using a smartphone device to access the Mobile OLE (light version)

    The Mobile OLE is a light version of the OLE with more limited functionalities, optimized for smartphone devices. Currently, the functionalities include the OLE course list, study schedules, news and announcements. On the course homepages of the Mobile OLE, students can also view course news and course Discussion Boards. In addition to viewing news and messages, students can also create new posts and reply to messages. All webpages within the Mobile OLE are customized for smartphone devices. To reduce the loading time and bandwidth usage, large images and banners are not shown. A function is provided for students to toggle between the desktop (full version) and the mobile (light version) when they are using mobile devices (i.e. laptops, netbooks or tablets).

    Enter the Mobile OLE URL, http://ole.ouhk.edu.hk/m, in your smartphone device and log in.

This is the login page of your OLE. We suggest you bookmark the login page for easier access later through Favorites/Bookmarks in your browser.

  1. Click on the 'Username' box and type in your username.
    Username: 's" + the first seven digits of your student number. For example, if your student number is 12345678, then your student username is s1234567. If you are a tutor, your username is 't' + the six digits of your tutor number.
  2. Click on the 'Password' box and type in your password.
    Password: the new Single Password (see How do I log in? in OUHK Website section) that you have created.
  3. Click Enter.
    Once you have logged on to the OLE, you will see your Home page. For details on the features and functions, go on to the 'How do I use it?' section.

On the Home page you can see three tabs: Courses, Tools and Support. CLICK on the tab to go to the different section. By default, the Home page shows the Courses section.

MOUSE OVER the numbers to find out more about the components.

  1. This lists your courses. Click on the course to view its online components.

  2. Here you can access the Discussion Board to post and view messages. If there is a new posting you will see new

  3. If you click on the RSS icon of your course, you will see clickable headlines of recent updates. You can subscribe to the RSS feed to receive updates.

  4. This contains important course news. Click on the headline to read it.

  5. This displays notices regarding the OLE.

Tools Section

The Tools section contains five components.

MOUSE OVER the numbers to find out more about the components.

  1. The online calendar shows the dates of your tutorials, exam, assignments, etc. You can move the cursor over an event to see the details.

  2. Here you can access your email and view your assignment marks and course results. If you have a new message, a blinking envelope icon will appear.

  3. Here you can see hotly discussed topics in your course. Click on them to view the discussion details.

  4. The tutorials of some courses have been videotaped and uploaded here. You can view them online.

  5. Read-it-out is a text-to-speech tool. If you want to hear the learning materials read aloud in Putonghua or English, just paste or type the content into the text frame and select the language and speed. Then click on the play button.

Support Section

The Support section has four components.

MOUSE OVER the numbers to find out more about the components.

  1. This contains links to some useful sites.

  2. This provides information on software updates, and technical solutions.

  3. The Video Archive contains online audio-visual materials produced by the OUHK. They are classified into six categories.

  4. Here you can find information about OUHK student associations, interest groups and related websites.

OLE components

You now find yourself on your Course page. The page shows the components that are available for your course.

MOUSE OVER the arrows to find out more about the components.

  1. Here you can view the course news posted by your Course Coordinator. Make sure you regularly visit this site to find out the latest course news.

  2. You can check your study schedule, tutorial schedule and other schedules available for your course.

  3. On the discussion board you can raise questions about your course and provide answers, comments or suggestions to the messages posted.

  4. You can view your Course Guide, Tutorial Notes, Multimedia, Specimen Exam Paper, Web Links and in some cases your course's study units. You may need an Acrobat Reader to view the contents online.

  5. For some courses you can submit your assignments and apply for assignment extensions online. You can also view your marks online. You can also view a Demo of how these work.

Menu Bar

At the bottom of the Course page you can see a Menu Bar.

MOUSE OVER the components to find out more about them.

  1. This takes you back to your Home page.

  2. You can get to know your Course Coordinator (CC) here.

  3. This provides a code of conduct for OLE users.

  4. An online User Guide to help you.

  5. A list of commonly asked questions about the OLE and technical problems encountered, with answers provided.

  6. If you have any technical problems, you can send us your comments electronically.

  7. Online evaluation questionnaires (if available) are posted here. You can click the responses and submit them electronically.

  8. This provides access to your email. Click here to find out more about the email facility.

Use the OLE!

Try out the components in the OLE of your course. If you have problems, you can refer to your OLE User Guide. The more you use the OLE, the easier it will be to use.